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Cognitive Computing : Powered by M.O.S.S. AI [Modular Operating Smart Systems]


Problem Space:


Medium - Risk Field Inspection!


Can be applied in other use cases:


Utility, Power,  Water, Oil & Gas etc Industries that curently have manual high risk inspections.


Below is short summary of how a local water utility company currently inspects water tanks.


Technicians throughtout the year test and monitor for rust wear and tear & integriity issues that tend to develop over time when exposed to the natural elements. 



Current Workflow:


2 -4 field crew members to go out to:


(1) collect the data, then

(2) manually label and classify data then

(3) send report to engineering

(4) Wait for engineering to give results

(5) Send crew back out for necessary repairs.


Total hours of data collection:  unknown


Total days for engineering to assess and review reports:  unknown


Total repair hours: unknown


What if there was another way ?



New Workflow: Powered by [M.O.S.S.] AI: [Modular Operating Smart Systems


Software: Autonomous Cognitive Computing Solutions. [ACCS] created by the MOSSAI team.


Total hours: of data collection


Answer: 2:00 min 30 secs




Total days to assess and review reports?


Answer:  Real-Time Reporting capabilities!

Total area size:

Percentage of degregation 

classification type:




Repair Time: Coming soon!







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